memoji of Ceri Trammell


Hi! I am a Full-Stack Web developer with a passion for crafting aesthetically pleasing user interfaces. Previous management history has attested that I am proficient working alone, with a team, and am comfortable taking lead in any situation. As well as being capable of leading a team, I'm also a "go with the flow" kind of person and take direction very well.


Animal Showdown 2.0

Animal Showdown 2.0

An updated version of Animal Showdown made with React instead of Handlebars.js

Animal Showdown

Animal Showdown

Our first Animal Showdown site that lets you determine the winner of a matchup fight

Tech Blog

Tech Blog

A technology blog site that allows you to preform CRUD actions

JavaScript 30 Challenge

JavaScript 30 Challenge

Completed solutions for the JavaScript 30 Day Challenge.

Stew and Brew

Stew and Brew

Find recipes and find local breweries near you

PWA Budget Tracker

PWA Budget Tracker

PWA that helps you track your budget.